How do you prevent acne?

7 Ways to Get Rid of Acne Naturally 

7 Ways to Get Rid of Acne Naturally

Acne is a common skin disorder that can result in a variety of blemishes. Some include pimples, whiteheads, and blackheads.

The good news is that over-the-counter and prescription medications can eliminate acne and help prevent new breakouts. But some of these acne products can cause side effects such as redness, discoloration, or dryness, notes the Mayo Clinic.

That is why Peel Of Pearl guides you through those mistakes and simple tips that help you to treat acne naturally, easily, and permanently.

Mistakes that you should not repeat

1. Eating too much junk and spicy foods - Regularly eating fast food has been correlated with an increased risk of developing acne, but it is not clear whether it causes acne. 
2. Touching face again and again - Most of us do it without noticing, but touching your face is a common cause of breakouts around your chin and jawline because you are bringing bacteria to your skin, as well as applying pressure to it,". So hands off!
3. Taking milk or other dairy products - Dairy can aggravate acne because it can stimulate oil glands and increase clogged pores.
4. Wash your face again and again - "One of the biggest myths is: 'My face is dirty, and that's why I'm getting acne,'". "Washing too much can strip the skin of essential oils, leading the body to paradoxically produce more oil, which can lead to more pimples,".Washing twice a day is all you need.
5. Using chemical-based products - Some makeup, along with many skin and hair care products, contain oil or other ingredients that can cause acne breakouts. If you continue to use them, you may continue to see blemishes.
6. Pick and Pop them - It’s understandable that you want to get rid of acne. But this particular plan of attack can cause deeper problems."Instead of clearing the blockage out, you're pushing it further down, and that can lead to scarring,"

7 Ways to Get Rid of Acne Naturally

7. Drying out a pimple too much -
 Actually, drying out your skin too much is going to backfire. Too much dryness will cause irritation and could make acne worse.

Ways to Get Rid of Pimples Fast

1. Eat living foods - Totally switched your diet to living foods like a wholesome, balanced diet rich in fresh fruits and vegetables, healthy protein sources, and whole grains. 

2. Fasting - Take your dinner every day till 7 pm and at 11 am have breakfast which is a full bowl of fruits. This gives your body 16 hours to repair. If you don't want to do this, then you can also keep a full day fast once a week.

3. Enema -  Enemas are rectal injections of fluid that are intended to detox your body. When your internal body is overloaded with toxins that aren't being eliminated efficiently, the toxins begin eliminating through the skin....and this is when the skin issues arise! Detoxing is an important way to help clean out your system and help get rid of acne.

4. Benzoyl Peroxide - Benzoyl peroxide can help treat inflammatory acne lesions and related scarring. Use Benzoyl peroxide face wash twice a day and Benzoyl peroxide cream at night until my face was totally clear. 

5. Drink lots of water - Drinking water is primarily thought to prevent acne by promoting proper skin hydration. Add coconut water to your diet. And use to drink 8 glasses of water a day. It helps to keep your body hydrated and toxin-free.

7 Ways to Get Rid of Acne Naturally

6. Sleep well -
 Lack of sleep causes the stress hormone cortisol to be released, which in turn encourages inflammation in the skin that as acne. 
So, started sleeping on time all over for 8 hours.
7. Exercise -  Exercise can help make your skin better than ever. It is a great way to handle stress. Just make sure you clean your skin before and after workouts so it doesn’t worsen acne.

 Quick Tips For Fight Acne 

  • Do ice the pimple. It helps to reduce inflammation fast.
  • Use aspirin paste on pimples and leave it overnight as aspirin contains salicylic acid that helps to reduce acne.
  • Wear hydrocolloid bandages as it works by absorbing the white gunk inside the pimple.
  • Do a cold compress with green tea.
  • Do tone down on toner.
  • Do use makeup with salicylic acid. It helps to prevent acne.


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